miércoles, 4 de marzo de 2015

Why do people become in vegetarians ?

This is an interesting question for me , being vegetarian is a really important decision, it is a challenge , but  it is the healthiest way to live and the best way to take care for animals. People become in vegetarians for several reasons, one of them is The Ethical Reasons, it does not mean that they are better people than us . However, they have a stronger mind , they are more focused than us, that is why they have an ideology on mind , it is the right to live for animals, we are not more important than them, all of us are living beings, and  because they are more faithful than us, they are cuter than us, sometimes thy are more compassionate and smarter than us. Also another reason why people become in vegetarians is Health , the vegetarians are healthier than us, because they eat clean, they eat more fruits and vegetables than us, they do more exercise than us. Finally they are probably  will to  live more years than us and I hope someday to be a vegetarian.