lunes, 18 de mayo de 2015


When my mother worked in a hairdresser, she and her partners/coworkers were stolen by a group of four men. My mother has never been in an assault before, she was scared and she started screaming very loud. Suddenly, one of the men  hit her with a gun and my mother fell down, she was crying and her partners too. The men took everything really fast, then my mother called the police, but it was too late.
From that day my mother has become stronger and braver, she has talked about this just with me, I have never imagined something like that happened to my mother, but I am glad because now she is fine. 

martes, 14 de abril de 2015

Teacher Carlos:

I have great news to tell you, it took me by surprise, just like is going to happen with you ...


There are five thousand billion pesos, I would have never imagined that something like this could happen to me.  Now I have hundreds of plans on my mind.

Firts of all,  I am going to go shopping with my sister and friends, it is something that I have always wanted. After, I am going to buy real estate throughout Colombia, for me, it is the best way to invest money, I also want to travel, the first place where I will go is Canada. Did you remember my presentation about Canada the last semester? That is the reason why I want to visit this country, perhaps, I will buy a house in there, I do not know, but I am pretty sure about to visit many places around the world, I already told you, but , I am really excited and  probably there are missing many plans here, so,   I am going to take some deep breaths and think about it .

Best Regards.

Paola Urrego.  

miércoles, 4 de marzo de 2015

Why do people become in vegetarians ?

This is an interesting question for me , being vegetarian is a really important decision, it is a challenge , but  it is the healthiest way to live and the best way to take care for animals. People become in vegetarians for several reasons, one of them is The Ethical Reasons, it does not mean that they are better people than us . However, they have a stronger mind , they are more focused than us, that is why they have an ideology on mind , it is the right to live for animals, we are not more important than them, all of us are living beings, and  because they are more faithful than us, they are cuter than us, sometimes thy are more compassionate and smarter than us. Also another reason why people become in vegetarians is Health , the vegetarians are healthier than us, because they eat clean, they eat more fruits and vegetables than us, they do more exercise than us. Finally they are probably  will to  live more years than us and I hope someday to be a vegetarian.

jueves, 19 de febrero de 2015

My Last Vacations

On my last vacations my family and I went to my grandfather's farm for five days, It was in December, in there we met to the rest of my family and friends for Christmas celebration . Also I did other things , first of all, I slept a lot, I went to sleep at one or two AM and I woke up at noon, that is the reason why I didn't  have breakfast, because I woke up at lunch time, It was on that way until January, then, I had a part time job in a stationary, It was pretty cool but pretty hard at the same time because vacations ended and students bought the school supplies , I had to do a lot of things in a short time.